Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Cabbage, Please

The Princess and Her Pal, Rosie

Miss Faith has decided that she no longer likes cabbage.  Perhaps the last cabbage heart upset her stomach, in her delicate condition; she's not telling.  All I know is that she had a sniff, then turned up her pretty nose.

We have many royal moments, at the farm.  Here are a few:

 "Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say.

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she changes from day to day.

Wanna tell her that I lover her alot, but I gotta get a bellyful of wine.

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, some day I'm gonna make her mine, oh yeah...

Some day I'm gonna make her mine."
-The Beatles


  1. Lovely!
    Having only recently begun to be around goats and being a goat borrower different goats all the time, I am amazed at what they WON'T eat!
    I have failed with broccoli greens....plain chex mix and carrots. The only luck I ever seem to have is with the honey apple oat bread.
    So much for goats eating ...anything! :)

  2. What?! Someone turned up their nose at cabbage? Hmmmpf. Doesn't happen around here - except for Boo, but that is because she forgets what she was smelling before it has time to register in her brain. I think you should try Peanuts! Oh, yeah! Peanuts.
